Dabar rodoma: Jordanija - Pašto Ženklai (1920 - 2025) - 81 ženklai.
10. birželis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 13½ x 14
![[The 50th Anniversary of I.L.O., tipas IK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IK-s.jpg)
![[The 50th Anniversary of I.L.O., tipas IK1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IK1-s.jpg)
![[The 50th Anniversary of I.L.O., tipas IK2]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IK2-s.jpg)
![[The 50th Anniversary of I.L.O., tipas IK3]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IK3-s.jpg)
![[The 50th Anniversary of I.L.O., tipas IK4]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IK4-s.jpg)
Nr. | Tipas | D | Spalva | Apibūdinimas |
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711 | IK | 10F | lengvai mėlyna/juoda | 0,27 | - | 0,27 | - | USD |
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712 | IK1 | 20F | rudai oranžinė /juoda | 0,27 | - | 0,27 | - | USD |
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713 | IK2 | 25F | alyvuogių žalia/juoda | 0,27 | - | 0,27 | - | USD |
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714 | IK3 | 45F | karmino/juoda | 0,54 | - | 0,54 | - | USD |
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715 | IK4 | 60F | šviesiai oranžinė/juoda | 0,82 | - | 0,54 | - | USD |
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711‑715 | 2,17 | - | 1,89 | - | USD |
6. liepa WM: Niekas Perforacija: 13½
![[Arab Horses, tipas IL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IL-s.jpg)
![[Arab Horses, tipas IM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IM-s.jpg)
![[Arab Horses, tipas IN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IN-s.jpg)
8. spalis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12
![[Reconstruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, tipas IO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IO-s.jpg)
![[Reconstruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, tipas IO1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IO1-s.jpg)
![[Reconstruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, tipas IP1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IP1-s.jpg)
22. lapkritis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12
![[Fruits, tipas IQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IQ-s.jpg)
![[Fruits, tipas IR]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IR-s.jpg)
![[Fruits, tipas IS]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IS-s.jpg)
![[Fruits, tipas IT]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IT-s.jpg)
![[Fruits, tipas IU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IU-s.jpg)
![[Fruits, tipas IV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IV-s.jpg)
Nr. | Tipas | D | Spalva | Apibūdinimas |
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723 | IQ | 10F | daugiaspalvė | Citrus sinensis | 0,27 | - | 0,27 | - | USD |
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724 | IR | 20F | daugiaspalvė | Cucumis melo | 0,54 | - | 0,27 | - | USD |
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725 | IS | 30F | daugiaspalvė | Citrus limon | 0,82 | - | 0,27 | - | USD |
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726 | IT | 40F | daugiaspalvė | Vitis vinifera | 1,09 | - | 0,27 | - | USD |
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727 | IU | 50F | daugiaspalvė | Olea europaea | 1,63 | - | 0,82 | - | USD |
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728 | IV | 100F | daugiaspalvė | Malus sylvestris | 3,27 | - | 1,63 | - | USD |
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723‑728 | 7,62 | - | 3,53 | - | USD |
2. gruodis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12¾
![[Wedding of Prince Hassan 1968, tipas IW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IW-s.jpg)
![[Wedding of Prince Hassan 1968, tipas IX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IX-s.jpg)
![[Wedding of Prince Hassan 1968, tipas IY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IY-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas IZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/IZ-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JA-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JB]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JB-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JC]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JC-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JD]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JD-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JE-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JF-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JG-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JH-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JI-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JJ-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JK-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JL-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JM-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JN-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JO-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JP-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JQ-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JR]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JR-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JS]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JS-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JT]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JT-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JU-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JV-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JW-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JX-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JY-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas JZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/JZ-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KA-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KB]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KB-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KC]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KC-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KD]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KD-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KE-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KF-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KG-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KH-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KI-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KJ-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KK-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KL-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KM-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KN-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KO-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KP-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KQ-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KR]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KR-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KS]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KS-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KT]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KT-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KU-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KV-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KW-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KX-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KY-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas KZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/KZ-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas LA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/LA-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas LB]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/LB-s.jpg)
10. gruodis WM: Niekas
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas LC]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/LC-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas LD]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/LD-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas LE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/LE-s.jpg)
![["Tragedy of the Refugees" and "Tragedy in the Holy Lands", tipas LF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Jordan/Postage-stamps/LF-s.jpg)